Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Gorillaz and Internet Explorer 9 Character Design Competition: Week 4 - drawing by nephnephneph

Gorillaz and Internet Explorer 9 Character Design Competition: Week 4 - drawing by nephnephneph

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Beauty and The Beast

A little experiment in style, which I've become really rather fond of!
Drew this after watching Beauty and The Beast after it was re-released on Blu-Ray a few weeks ago :)

Thursday, 7 October 2010


Been watching Spirited recently, it's such an amazing show and Matt King is wonderful as Henry, so I drew a quick pic of him. Matt even tweeted about it C:

Sydney-Speed Paint

I don't really know what classifies as a speed paint, but this was speedy for me! Took just under an hour in PS CS4. Referenced from a photograph of Sydney Harbour Bridge I took a couple of weeks ago.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Forest Beast

If I could get paid to draw creatures and beasts all day, I would be the happiest person on earth.
As it is, I'm relatively happy but exceedingly poor.
I drew this guy a couple of weeks ago but never got round to uploading him anywhere. Had been watching Princess Mononoke and felt inspired to make a forest spirit beast thing and that was what came out haha

Thursday, 9 September 2010


So I originally made this as an entry for a Forum competition at ImagineFX, but due to Tablet Fail, Computer Fail and Internet Fail (An horrific triforce) I missed the deadline.
Still! I like the image a lot even though the background and wings are unfinished and probably won't even be finished (Persistent Tablet fail)

Tuesday, 17 August 2010


Well worked on this on and off for about a day, from sketch to full colour.
Personally I like the sketch more, but I wanted to have a go at doing something like this.
If it's not obvious, I have little idea how to draw backgrounds aha.

Monday, 16 August 2010


So I've finally set up my own website! I still plan to use this blog for in progress works and sketches, I will be uploading more finished work to my site!

It is linked at both the top of the blog and in one of the sidebars. I'll work on getting a nice banner sorted out soon.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Did some more to the dragony beast. I'm not overly fond of it having wings.. so I might remove them and have a play with colours. But yes.. finished for now~

Thursday, 24 June 2010


I recently purchased a book by John Howe depicting various representations of Dragons he's worked on- it was a pretty big inspiration, and I felt like drawing up a little reptilian beasty.

Monday, 21 June 2010


I've always had a fascination with myths and legends since I was young, as such, I tend to draw mythical beasts and strange creatures when I'm at a loss of what to draw.

Artist Study

In my first year of University, we would have to do an artist study every week and I felt like trying it out again! Here are two studies of the same painting "Self Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar". I concentrated on only the face, though in time I would like to do a study of the entire painting.

The First Image was made in Open Canvas:

The second image was made in Photoshop:

Both have very different outcomes!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Animal Characters

Been trying to go for a more 'cartoony' style of animal design. I started with a more realistic digital sketch, before making some more stylised sketches.